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Friday, October 10, 2008

DUI Laws

Like many states, being arrested for DUI in Colorado sets two cases in motion. One is a criminal case where charges are filed and the other is an administrative case where a defendant faces administrative penalties such as license suspension or revocation. Because of the complexities of handling two cases stemming from one offense and the intricacies of Colorado’s DUI laws, it is essential that you have a Colorado DUI lawyer to represent you in both your criminal case and at any DMV proceedings that take place in regard to your driver’s license. Having a qualified Colorado DUI attorney on your team can help you to defend yourself more successfully than if you were to try to represent yourself or rely on the assistance of a friend or family member who really has no legal training and can’t understand all of the details of the DUI laws.

Colorado DUI Laws

The two types of drunk driving offenses in California are DUI and DWAI. DUI is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or a combination of alcohol and drugs. DWAI means driving while ability impaired and is slightly different from a DUI. DWAI is a lesser offense that occurs when a person’s blood alcohol concentration level is 0.05% or more. There are two ways in which a DUI case can be prosecuted in California. One focuses on the driver being impaired, which can cause odd driving habits, failure of field sobriety tests, an intoxicated appearance, or the small of alcohol on a driver’s clothing or breath. The other way a case can be prosecuted is by basing the case on the results of chemical testing. If someone’s blood alcohol level exceeds 0.08%, the prosecution does not need to show that they were impaired. They simply need to show that the blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit. Contacting a Colorado DUI lawyer at this stage is critical; having legal representation right from the beginning of your case can help you to build a case without having to search for missing information or try to get records from others involved in the case.
By Michael Tasne

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We’re all waiting for your next article of course.

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